Thursday, August 20, 2009

The midst of a mass of mostly junk that was also on the module. He.

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The distant stars. Glancing up at their still-strange patterns Scaurus wondered if the Videssians used them to reckon des- tinies. It seemed a notion that would fit their beliefs but he could not recall hearing of it in the Empire. Nepos would know. The thought was gone almost as soon as it appeared drowned in a fresh wave of resentment. The tribune wandered on still going north; before long he was past the Roman sec- tion of line and coming up on the Namdalener camp. He gave that a wide berth too not much wanting to see any of the islanders right now. He heard shouting in the distance ahead a woman's voice. After a moment he recognized it as Komitta Rhangavve's. About now Thorisin was probably wishing she was back on the western side of the Cattle-Crossing. Scaurus let out a sour chuckle. It was a feeling he fully understood..
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